targeted but
targeted but
targeted but
targeted but
!repost!   glorifying these things is literally not funny or cool at all.
!repost!   glorifying these things is literally not funny or cool at all.
!repost!   glorifying these things is literally not funny or cool at all.
aimed towards my mom and that one teacher in my school
targeted but
it sucks
I don
I don
targeted but
!repost!   glorifying these things is literally not funny or cool at all.
repost! og creator of pin: HLxRinFan <3 (go check them out!)
Anyways Mizuki my beautiful bpd girl
NOT MINE ! Credits : dollzia
Anyways Mizuki my beautiful bpd girl
repost! og creator of pin: HLxRinFan <3 (go check them out!)