Modern elevation
Malek Residential Building / Hamid Reza Gozariyan + Link Office
Malek Residential Building / Hamid Reza Gozariyan + Link Office
Malek Residential Building / Hamid Reza Gozariyan + Link Office
Malek Residential Building / Hamid Reza Gozariyan + Link Office
Kantor Centre of Excellence: The Anna Freud Centre - Webb Yates Engineers
Kantor Centre of Excellence: The Anna Freud Centre - Webb Yates Engineers
Malek Residential Building / Hamid Reza Gozariyan + Link Office
Malek Residential Building / Hamid Reza Gozariyan + Link Office
Malek Residential Building / Hamid Reza Gozariyan + Link Office
Kantor Centre of Excellence: The Anna Freud Centre - Webb Yates Engineers
Malek Residential Building / Hamid Reza Gozariyan + Link Office
Modern elevation
Malek Residential Building / Hamid Reza Gozariyan + Link Office