Avatar Aang in the Avatar State, in an elemental sphere, chasing Phoenix King Ozai
Avatar aang period!!!!!!!!!
aang icon
Avatar Aang using energybending on Phoenix King Ozai
Avatar Aang using energybending on Phoenix King Ozai
Avatar Aang using energybending on Phoenix King Ozai
Avatar Aang in the Avatar State, in a sphere of air, and creating fire from his body
edit by @theskyisred8108 on tiktok
Avatar Aang using energybending on Phoenix King Ozai
Avatar aang period!!!!!!!!!
Avatar Aang in the Avatar State, in a sphere of air, and creating fire from his body
aang icon
Avatar Aang in the Avatar State, in an elemental sphere, and about to disperse an attack from Ozai
Avatar aang period!!!!!!!!!
Avatar Aang in the Avatar State, in an elemental sphere, and about to disperse an attack from Ozai
Avatar Aang in the Avatar State, in an elemental sphere, chasing Phoenix King Ozai
Avatar Aang in the Avatar State, in an elemental sphere, and about to disperse an attack from Ozai
Avatar Aang in the Avatar State, in a sphere of air, and creating fire from his body
Avatar Aang meditating
Avatar aang period!!!!!!!!!
Avatar Aang in the Avatar State, in a sphere of air, and creating fire from his body