I love this scene so much
I love this scene so much
They need each other, they love each other, they are the reason for each other.
Ren and Kazuma
The best comment during this scene is that Kazuma would do anything to protect Ren
They need each other, they love each other, they are the reason for each other.
My Personal Weatherman  Higuchi Kouhei & Mashiko Atsuki
My Personal Weatherman  Higuchi Kouhei & Mashiko Atsuki
My Personal Weatherman  Higuchi Kouhei & Mashiko Atsuki
The best comment during this scene is that Kazuma would do anything to protect Ren
Ren and Kazuma
Tokyo in April is
They need each other, they love each other, they are the reason for each other.
Ren and Kazuma
The best comment during this scene is that Kazuma would do anything to protect Ren
After this hug they practially started dating
The shock of Kazuma is matched to me when Ren laid down on him
The shock of Kazuma is matched to me when Ren laid down on him
I love this scene so much