A model of an Arab office building
A model of an Arab office building
3D model for sketching
3D model for sketching
Heres a list of software she uses daily as an interior designer  hope it helps!
A model of an Arab office building
3D model for sketching
Heres a list of software she uses daily as an interior designer  hope it helps!
Word/Excel (for Mac) - Quick Reference Guide Keyboard Shortcut Stickers, for Any Macbook/iMac/Mac Mini, Vinyl
SketchUp from scratch
SketchUp from scratch
Word/Excel (for Mac) - Quick Reference Guide Keyboard Shortcut Stickers, for Any Macbook/iMac/Mac Mini, Vinyl
SketchUp from scratch
Word/Excel (for Mac) - Quick Reference Guide Keyboard Shortcut Stickers, for Any Macbook/iMac/Mac Mini, Vinyl
A model of an Arab office building
Je dessine 9 textures diffrentes  eau, bois, pierre...
Types of architects
Heres a list of software she uses daily as an interior designer  hope it helps!
Word/Excel (for Mac) - Quick Reference Guide Keyboard Shortcut Stickers, for Any Macbook/iMac/Mac Mini, Vinyl