Hope hes not allergic to dogs
Hope hes not allergic to dogs
Hope hes not allergic to dogs
On my way to the vet again as I got my second torn ACL this year
Some more of Rooneys first howls  the second one is too cute lol
On my way to the vet again as I got my second torn ACL this year
Love rides in the cargobike! Weekend vibes!
I had surgery yesterday and shes not left my side since. Its true what they say, boxers are the mo
Love rides in the cargobike! Weekend vibes!
Voyager Corduroy Step-In Plush Harness
I had surgery yesterday and shes not left my side since. Its true what they say, boxers are the mo
Ive never said whats in your mouth? More in my life
On my way to the vet again as I got my second torn ACL this year
On my way to the vet again as I got my second torn ACL this year
I sigh mates because mum is angry , I don
Funny animals
Sloppy boy