It is only the renewed mind that finds God
It is only the renewed mind that finds God
It is only the renewed mind that finds God
It is only the renewed mind that finds God
It is only the renewed mind that finds God
When you are justified, God imparts His own righteousness to you
When you are justified, God imparts His own righteousness to you
Satan is stripped of weapons so he bluffs
Satan is stripped of weapons so he bluffs
When you are justified, God imparts His own righteousness to you
The more you give of yourself to hearing God
It is only the renewed mind that finds God
When you are justified, God imparts His own righteousness to you
The more you give of yourself to hearing God
The more you give of yourself to hearing God
Keep on making the right confession
It is only the renewed mind that finds God
When you are justified, God imparts His own righteousness to you
Your light shines through your good works, through the things you do.
If you want the power of the Holy Spirit, you better focus on Jesus Christ and the cross.
Resentment eats people up from inside