I wish it
I wish it
He is completely drunk
He is completely drunk
I wish it
I wish it
Watching weak Wen is also good
Watching weak Wen is also good
Wen plz just kill him
He is completely drunk
Watching weak Wen is also good
He is completely drunk
word of honor
Awwww his smile so cute, plz someone save me
I love small hugs#wordofhonor#chinesedrama#ancient#bromance#censoredbl#martialarts
word of honor
Mama and Papa #wordofhonor#chinesedrama#ancient#bromance#censoredbl#martialarts
Mama and Papa #wordofhonor#chinesedrama#ancient#bromance#censoredbl#martialarts
Wen control your emotions, bro
So beautiful#wordofhonor#chinesedrama#ancient#bromance#censoredbl#martialarts