Dr. Stone - Hero / Villain
Smarter Tarzan is wild
Smarter Tarzan is wild
Dr. Stone - Hero / Villain
Dr. Stone - Hero / Villain
Dr. Stone - Hero / Villain
Dr. Stone - Hero / Villain
Temp by @ray_kirsten (hope I spelled that right)
Temp by @ray_kirsten (hope I spelled that right)
Temp by @ray_kirsten (hope I spelled that right)
Smarter Tarzan is wild
dr stone
dr stone
Dr. Stone - Hero / Villain
Temp by @ray_kirsten (hope I spelled that right)
Temp by @ray_kirsten (hope I spelled that right)
dr stone
Dr stone
Smarter Tarzan is wild
dr stone
Smarter Tarzan is wild
ryusui is kinda crazy
Smarter Tarzan is wild