Field bakery run by the Army Service Corps showing Aldershot ovens, Salonika, 1916
Field bakery run by the Army Service Corps showing Aldershot ovens, Salonika, 1916
Field bakery run by the Army Service Corps showing Aldershot ovens, Salonika, 1916
Field bakery run by the Army Service Corps showing Aldershot ovens, Salonika, 1916
Field bakery run by the Army Service Corps showing Aldershot ovens, Salonika, 1916
Field bakery run by the Army Service Corps showing Aldershot ovens, Salonika, 1916
Field bakery run by the Army Service Corps showing Aldershot ovens, Salonika, 1916
6th Armored Division vehicles near Oberforsthaus, March-April 1945.
Field bakery run by the Army Service Corps showing Aldershot ovens, Salonika, 1916
6th Armored Division vehicles near Oberforsthaus, March-April 1945.
cooking in the mud
Field bakery run by the Army Service Corps showing Aldershot ovens, Salonika, 1916