Some more of Rooneys first howls  the second one is too cute lol
Some more of Rooneys first howls  the second one is too cute lol
Some more of Rooneys first howls  the second one is too cute lol
Some more of Rooneys first howls  the second one is too cute lol
Some more of Rooneys first howls  the second one is too cute lol
Some more of Rooneys first howls  the second one is too cute lol
Some more of Rooneys first howls  the second one is too cute lol
Hope hes not allergic to dogs
Hope hes not allergic to dogs
Some more of Rooneys first howls  the second one is too cute lol
Some more of Rooneys first howls  the second one is too cute lol
Hope hes not allergic to dogs
Some more of Rooneys first howls  the second one is too cute lol
Hope hes not allergic to dogs
Hope hes not allergic to dogs
Some more of Rooneys first howls  the second one is too cute lol
Cutest BOXER PUPPY of the day