Elides rescue ride // credit: drunk_on_ink_atx
Maeve finds Aelin
Celaena at the theatre, The music annihilated her - The Assassins Blade
Celaena at the theatre, The music annihilated her - The Assassins Blade
Nesryn and Sartaq
Crochan Witches
Crochan Witches
Ansel Briarcliff
Manon Blackbeak
Nesryn and Sartaq
Manon Blackbeak
Celaena at the theatre, The music annihilated her - The Assassins Blade
Manon and the thirteen
Manon and the thirteen
Ansel Briarcliff
Bryce Quinlan from Crescent City by Sarah J Maas
Ansel Briarcliff