Amenhotep IIl Luxor Museum,Egypt
Amenhotep IIl Luxor Museum,Egypt
Amenhotep IIl Luxor Museum,Egypt
Amenhotep IIl Luxor Museum,Egypt
Amenhotep IIl Luxor Museum,Egypt
Amenhotep IIl Luxor Museum,Egypt
Amenhotep IIl Luxor Museum,Egypt
Amenhotep IIl Luxor Museum,Egypt
Amenhotep IIl Luxor Museum,Egypt
Amenhotep IIl Luxor Museum,Egypt
Nesi (Pharaoh and Great Royal Queen) Maat-Ka-Re Hat-Shepsut - Hatshepsut means "Foremost of Noble...
Senusret I
An Egyptian Granite Head of the Goddess Sekhmet, 18th Dynasty, 1390-1353 B.C.