about 1861 printed wool with silk braid day dress, currently in the Philadelphia Museum of Art
Dress, 183739
Dress, 183739
about 1861 printed wool with silk braid day dress, currently in the Philadelphia Museum of Art
about 1861 printed wool with silk braid day dress, currently in the Philadelphia Museum of Art
about 1861 printed wool with silk braid day dress, currently in the Philadelphia Museum of Art
about 1861 printed wool with silk braid day dress, currently in the Philadelphia Museum of Art
Dress, 183739
Dress, 183739
about 1861 printed wool with silk braid day dress, currently in the Philadelphia Museum of Art
about 1861 printed wool with silk braid day dress, currently in the Philadelphia Museum of Art
Dress, 183739
Dress, 183739
about 1861 printed wool with silk braid day dress, currently in the Philadelphia Museum of Art
about 1861 printed wool with silk braid day dress, currently in the Philadelphia Museum of Art
1836 Wedding dress (Italian)