38003-1999 Barbie With Love...
38003-1999 Barbie With Love...
68652-1998 Changin
38003-1999 Barbie With Love...
Barbie Fashion Fever BD2006 Asst.K8503 #K8505
Barbie Fashion Fever BD2006 Asst.K8503 #K8505
68652-1998 Changin
38003-1999 Barbie With Love...
Barbie Fashion Fever BD2006 Asst.K8503 #K8505
38003-1999 Barbie With Love...
2935-1991 Fashion Wraps
38003-1999 Barbie With Love...
Barbie Fashion Fever BD2006 Asst.K8503 #K8505
668-1992 6 complete fashions Gift Set
Christie Spot Scene - 2001
Barbie Fashion Fever BD2006 Asst.K8503 #K8505
38003-1999 Barbie With Love...
Barbie Fashion Fever BD2006 Asst.K8503 #K8505
4329-1987 Barbie The Jeans Look Fashion