Varangian warrior X century
Varangian warrior X century
Macedonian Lochagos, passage of the Hindu Kush, 329 B.C.
Macedonian Lochagos, passage of the Hindu Kush, 329 B.C.
Roman legionary 1st century AD.
German warrior
Roman legionary 1st century AD.
German warrior
Roman legionary 1st century AD.
Macedonian Lochagos, passage of the Hindu Kush, 329 B.C.
European Knight.
German warrior
Knight of the Holy Sepulcer, 1/72, 28mm, 32mm, 1/35, 54mm, 75mm, Resin Historical Northern Crusades Miniatures
Macedonian Lochagos, passage of the Hindu Kush, 329 B.C.
Northern Crusades Miniatures Medieval Byzantine Elite Warrior 28 32 35 40 54mm