Day dress, 1898. Irma G. Bowen Historic Clothing Collection at the University of New Hampshire.
Day dress, 1898. Irma G. Bowen Historic Clothing Collection at the University of New Hampshire.
Day dress, 1898. Irma G. Bowen Historic Clothing Collection at the University of New Hampshire.
Day dress, 1898. Irma G. Bowen Historic Clothing Collection at the University of New Hampshire.
Day dress, 1883-85,  Albany Institute of History & Art
Day dress, 1883-85,  Albany Institute of History & Art
Day dress, 1883-85,  Albany Institute of History & Art
Day dress, 1898. Irma G. Bowen Historic Clothing Collection at the University of New Hampshire.
Day dress, 1883-85,  Albany Institute of History & Art
Day dress, 1883-85,  Albany Institute of History & Art
Day dress, 1898. Irma G. Bowen Historic Clothing Collection at the University of New Hampshire.
Day dress, 1898. Irma G. Bowen Historic Clothing Collection at the University of New Hampshire.