We show and express our appreciation to each other
My partner confides in me
My partner confides in me
My partner and I show affection in public when we feel like it
My partner and I show affection in public when we feel like it
I respect my partners boundaries
My partner and I show affection in public when we feel like it
My name is being spoken positively in rooms I am not in
My partner and I show affection in public when we feel like it
My name is being spoken positively in rooms I am not in
I listen to my partner
I listen to my partner
My person makes me laugh
We maintain boundaries with others and communicate with each other
My person makes me laugh
My partner and I reach our fitness goals
My partner confides in me
My partner confides in me
I listen to my partner
My partner respects my daily schedule
My partner and I reach our fitness goals
My person is kind, thoughtful and gentle with me
My partner is sweet, kind and thoughtful
My person earns money and works on a career
My partner and I reach our fitness goals