The hibiscus harlequin bug (Tectocoris diophthalmus), the sole member of the genus Tectocoris.
The hibiscus harlequin bug (Tectocoris diophthalmus), the sole member of the genus Tectocoris.
Large Metallic Green Flower Beetles, Real Dried Beetle Insect Unmounted Rhomborrhina resplendens chatanayi
Large Metallic Green Flower Beetles, Real Dried Beetle Insect Unmounted Rhomborrhina resplendens chatanayi
Insecta - Digital art
Insecta - Digital art
Insecta - Digital art
Insecta - Digital art
Insecta - Digital art
Large Metallic Green Flower Beetles, Real Dried Beetle Insect Unmounted Rhomborrhina resplendens chatanayi
Large Metallic Green Flower Beetles, Real Dried Beetle Insect Unmounted Rhomborrhina resplendens chatanayi
Discomorpha winkleri
The hibiscus harlequin bug (Tectocoris diophthalmus), the sole member of the genus Tectocoris.
The hibiscus harlequin bug (Tectocoris diophthalmus), the sole member of the genus Tectocoris.
The hibiscus harlequin bug (Tectocoris diophthalmus), the sole member of the genus Tectocoris.
Discomorpha winkleri
Large Metallic Green Flower Beetles, Real Dried Beetle Insect Unmounted Rhomborrhina resplendens chatanayi
Insecta - Digital art
Large Metallic Green Flower Beetles, Real Dried Beetle Insect Unmounted Rhomborrhina resplendens chatanayi