no thoughts, head empty, only.CLONES
no thoughts, head empty, only.CLONES
no thoughts, head empty, only.CLONES
no thoughts, head empty, only.CLONES
hunter doesnt even have to try to be better than 99.9% of all males lol
literallyhes perfect <3
no thoughts, head empty, only.CLONES
Rex loves you!
Rex loves you!
Rex did the same on Umbara
ah yes, my therapy and also the reason I need therapy
literallyhes perfect <3
ah yes, my therapy and also the reason I need therapy
Rex loves you!
Rex did the same on Umbara
"Look!!!, they have a figure of bla bla bla, can we buy it???"
literallyhes perfect <3
by aaeeart on tumblr :)
Rex loves you!