Estate sale flip with BB Frsch
Estate sale flip with BB Frsch
Paint Fabric
Did you know you can use a green paint wash to cancel out the red/orange tones in wood!?
Did you know you can use a green paint wash to cancel out the red/orange tones in wood!?
Paint Fabric
Repurposing trash is my thing
Paint Fabric
Missing Trim on Your Vintage Piece?! Try this hack!
From old and rusty to chic  Follow me for more! #lockermakeover #furnituremakeover #furnitureflip
Estate sale flip with BB Frsch
Paint Fabric
Estate sale flip with BB Frsch
Did you know you can use a green paint wash to cancel out the red/orange tones in wood!?
Shabby chic bedroom decor ideas
Furniture Flipping Assembly Line with Melange Modern Enamel Paint | Part 2
Cane Back Chair Makeover
Did you know you can use a green paint wash to cancel out the red/orange tones in wood!?
Lets Redo this Stool! | YStreetStudio | featured wood burning by Cecilia Galluccio
From old and rusty to chic  Follow me for more! #lockermakeover #furnituremakeover #furnitureflip
Sold for $75!!
The flip of a lifetime
Missing Trim on Your Vintage Piece?! Try this hack!
From old and rusty to chic  Follow me for more! #lockermakeover #furnituremakeover #furnitureflip
Lets Redo this Stool! | YStreetStudio | featured wood burning by Cecilia Galluccio