Ice cream scoop BATH TRUFFLES DIY Tutorial!
Bathe in a RAINBOW with colorful embeds!
Whipped soap DIY- only 2 ingredients!  Visit my channel for tutorial!
Whipped soap DIY- only 2 ingredients!  Visit my channel for tutorial!
Foaming bath butter, whipped soap + recipe!
DIY Mermaid Bath Truffles!
Whipped soap DIY- only 2 ingredients!  Visit my channel for tutorial!
Whipped soap DIY- only 2 ingredients!  Visit my channel for tutorial!
Make ROCK HARD Bath Bombs!  RECIPE!
DIY Bubble bath brittle!
Bubble bar popsicles!!
Bathe in a RAINBOW with colorful embeds!
Recycle old or tired bath bombs into new & exciting!
DIY Bubble bath brittle!
Foaming bath butter, whipped soap + recipe!
GORGEOUS Body Butter Bars DIY!
Ice cream scoop BATH TRUFFLES DIY Tutorial!
GORGEOUS Body Butter Bars DIY!
#AuroraBorealis #BubbleBathPowder!