Mouse making
Mouse making
Spun Cotton Squirrel  {Fiber Sculpting}
Mouse making
Sculptural parts of the doll
Mouse making
diy cotton ft glue toy
Alice in Wonderlands White Rabbit
Sculptural parts of the doll
Spun Cotton Squirrel  {Fiber Sculpting}
Alice in Wonderlands White Rabbit
Lucky Cat Taba Squishy Toys
Lucky Cat Taba Squishy Toys
diy cotton ft glue toy
Mouse making
Not mine!
Sculptural parts of the doll
Fiber Sculpting {Mole}
Spun Cotton Squirrel  {Fiber Sculpting}
Spun Cotton {Fiber Sculpting} Moose
Spun Cotton Squirrel  {Fiber Sculpting}
Trekell Art Supplies Wipe-Out Tool
Sculptural parts of the doll
Spun Cotton {Fiber Sculpting} Moose