[Princess of Thorns] art by [Butokki]
[The Silent Sentinel] art by [Butokki]
[Faded courage] art by [Butokki]
[Princess of Thorns] art by [Butokki]
[Epirom Knight] art by [Butokki]
[Faded courage] art by [Butokki]
[Faded courage] art by [Butokki]
[Princess of Thorns] art by [Butokki]
[The Silent Sentinel] art by [Butokki]
[Harmony of Two] art by [Butokki]
[Twin Elegance] art by [Butokki]
[Harmony of Two] art by [Butokki]
[General Ham] art by [Butokki]
[Harmony of Two] art by [Butokki]
[Harmony of Two] art by [Butokki]
Young Dwaisia
[The Abyssal Guardian] art by [Butokki]
[Harmony of Two] art by [Butokki]
Character #1