Cmon guys just lay off the jokes n stuff..
Cmon guys just lay off the jokes n stuff..
One of the reasons to feel proud of Poland
One of the reasons to feel proud of Poland
One of the reasons to feel proud of Poland
not even a joke anymore
(me) WHAT
this whisper and bg image is mine :33
One of the reasons to feel proud of Poland
not even a joke anymore
poorly written and disgusting glorification of rape
poorly written and disgusting glorification of rape
poorly written and disgusting glorification of rape
Cmon guys just lay off the jokes n stuff..
Cmon guys just lay off the jokes n stuff..
not even a joke anymore
It makes me sick
this whisper and bg image is mine :33
this whisper and bg image is mine :33
One of the reasons to feel proud of Poland
not even a joke anymore
It makes me sick