Beware of minor sins. Verily, they pile upon a man until he is ruined..hadith
really true
really true
Beware of minor sins. Verily, they pile upon a man until he is ruined..hadith
Give the worker his wages before his sweat dries.. hadith
Give the worker his wages before his sweat dries.. hadith
Beware of minor sins. Verily, they pile upon a man until he is ruined..hadith
Sahih al-Bukhari 2782
Beware of minor sins. Verily, they pile upon a man until he is ruined..hadith
Give the worker his wages before his sweat dries.. hadith
Give the worker his wages before his sweat dries.. hadith
really true
Recite Durood
Give the worker his wages before his sweat dries.. hadith
Beware of minor sins. Verily, they pile upon a man until he is ruined..hadith
Beware of minor sins. Verily, they pile upon a man until he is ruined..hadith
Recite Durood