If I dont that means that all the damage I got isnt good damage.
If I dont that means that all the damage I got isnt good damage.
when was the last time you were actually happy?
when was the last time you were actually happy?
when was the last time you were actually happy?
BoJack Horseman
you cant not be apart of my life.
the view from halfway down
you cant not be apart of my life.
the view from halfway down
something inside you is broken
BoJack Horseman
The best I could ever be is still just some other version of me.
My Diane Nyguen Edit | Bojack Horseman
My Diane Nyguen Edit | Bojack Horseman
there has to be.. more
you cant not be apart of my life.
Sarah lyn
Sarah lyn
BoJack Horseman
Sarah Lynn deserved better.