Our Lady in Wilson, NC
Our Lady in Wilson, NC
Our Lady in Wilson, NC
Good Mother in Attleboro, MA
Good Mother in Attleboro, MA
Our Lady in Wilson, NC
Dear Mary in Beacon, NY
Ave Maria in Sloatsburg, New York
Our Lady in Wilson, NC
Beautiful Mary in Watchung, NJ
Good Mother in Attleboro, MA
Madonnina in Stony Point, NY
Dear Mary in Beacon, NY
Welcoming Mother...
Good Mother in Attleboro, MA
Mother of the overwhelmed in Covington, WA
Welcoming Mother...
Ave Maria in Sloatsburg, New York
Our Lady in Wilson, NC
Ave Maria in Sloatsburg, New York
Dear Mary in Beacon, NY
Virgin Most Pure in Stamford, Connecticut
Our Lady in North Branford, CT
Virgin Most Pure in Stamford, Connecticut