Jesus died in our place-Remember that!
Evil is not something-it is someone
Evil is not something-it is someone
Evil is not something-it is someone
Evil is not something-it is someone
Evil is not something-it is someone
Jesus died in our place-Remember that!
Jesus died in our place-Remember that!
Jesus died in our place-Remember that!
There is more power in God
Evil is not something-it is someone
There is more power in God
Two invisible spiritual kingdoms are at war with one another:  kingdom of God and kingdom of Satan
One of the most effective spiritual weapons God put at our disposal is the proclamation of His Word
Evil is not something-it is someone
Evil is not something-it is someone
Jesus died in our place-Remember that!
Jesus defeated Satan with "It is written..."
Through the cross Jesus stripped Satan of weapon of guilt
Jesus defeated Satan with "It is written..."
When you are justified, God imparts His own righteousness to you
"I will shake all nations." Does that include Britain, the U.S., Europe? Yes. You better be prepared
When you are justified, God imparts His own righteousness to you
When our soul comes to altar, it