Deception, Jealousy, and Lies" - 2x22
Deception, Jealousy, and Lies" - 2x22
"The Birthday Party" - 4x07
"The Birthday Party" - 4x07
Dynasty Closet
"The Birthday Party" - 4x07
"Everything Looks Wonderful, Joseph" - 4x19
"Private as a Circus" - 1x04
"The Birthday Party" - 4x07
"Private as a Circus" - 1x04
Dynasty Closet
"Everything Looks Wonderful, Joseph" - 4x19
Your Sick and Self-Serving Vendetta - 4x08
Dead Scratch - 1x22
"The Birthday Party" - 4x07
"The Caviar, I Trust, Is Not Burned" - 3x09
Deception, Jealousy, and Lies" - 2x22
"The Birthday Party" - 4x07
"Private as a Circus" - 1x04
Dynasty Closet
The Gospel According to Blake Carrington - 1x14
"Everything Looks Wonderful, Joseph" - 4x19