Realllll like stop being weird
My whisper don
My whisper don
mn dont repost
Realllll like stop being weird
My whisper don
My whisper don
I have the random urge to edit rn
My whisper don
I have the random urge to edit rn
My whisper don
I have the random urge to edit rn
Last night it was dancing nuns in central park
Realllll like stop being weird
Last night it was dancing nuns in central park
mn dont repost
And BLAST carry me out
My whisper don
mn dont repost
its actually the worst feeling in the world :,(
Last night it was dancing nuns in central park
like i was making a whisper and the word both started to look rlly weird
its actually the worst feeling in the world :,(
Last night it was dancing nuns in central park
like bro cmon