Ron, Harry and Hermione
Padfoot, Moony and Snivellus
Neville, Ginny and Luna
Neville, Ginny and Luna
Prof. Dumbledore, Hagrid and McGonagall
Fred, George and Lee
Padfoot, Moony and Snivellus
Dean, Seamus and Cho
Fred, George and Lee
Lavender, Parvati and Padma
Hogwarts yearbook superlatives, 1996
Lavender, Parvati and Padma
Prof. Dumbledore, Hagrid and McGonagall
Prof. Dumbledore, Hagrid and McGonagall
Neville, Ginny and Luna
Ron, Harry and Hermione
Padfoot, Moony and Snivellus
Dean, Seamus and Cho
Ravenclaw (by elizabesh)
Padfoot, Moony and Snivellus
Dean, Seamus and Cho
guine_evere on IG
Hogwarts yearbook superlatives, 1996