Some more of Rooneys first howls  the second one is too cute lol
Pool Day
Pool Day
I can ski!
Pool Day
I can ski!
Some more of Rooneys first howls  the second one is too cute lol
Boxer dog lovers
I can ski!
I had surgery yesterday and shes not left my side since. Its true what they say, boxers are the mo
Boxer dog lovers
Some more of Rooneys first howls  the second one is too cute lol
I can ski!
I can ski!
Boxer dog lovers
I had surgery yesterday and shes not left my side since. Its true what they say, boxers are the mo
I can ski!
My love
I sigh mates because mum is angry , I don
I love box dogs so I brought them to my garden and videoed them to see how they did
I sigh mates because mum is angry , I don