Charleston Variation Tutorial
Evil Eye Shuffle Dance
Charleston Variation Tutorial
X OUT FOOTWORK TUTORIAL  all socials - @aaroman99
X OUT FOOTWORK TUTORIAL  all socials - @aaroman99
simple steps and practice can make you good at everything
Charleston Variation Tutorial
Butterly Pole Trick in Sticky Leopard Leggings
Butterly Pole Trick in Sticky Leopard Leggings
simple steps and practice can make you good at everything
shuffle tutorial
Butterfly footwork
shuffle tutorial
shuffle tutorial
Not mine
Flare tutorial-Not mine
Step back tutorial
Flare tutorial-Not mine
simple steps and practice can make you good at everything
Body control exercise
Flare tutorial-Not mine
Dancetutorial Tutorial dancer tiktok learnhow to dance footwork
Dancetutorial Tutorial dancer tiktok learnhow to dance footwork
Butterly Pole Trick in Sticky Leopard Leggings