#ClaudioGentile and #Zico in the match between #Juventus and #Udinese (3-2) in the 1983/84 season
#ClaudioGentile and #Zico in the match between #Juventus and #Udinese (3-2) in the 1983/84 season
Klaus Fischer
#ClaudioGentile and #Zico in the match between #Juventus and #Udinese (3-2) in the 1983/84 season
Zico and Falcao Serie A
#ClaudioGentile and #Zico in the match between #Juventus and #Udinese (3-2) in the 1983/84 season
#ClaudioGentile and #Zico in the match between #Juventus and #Udinese (3-2) in the 1983/84 season
Klaus Fischer
Zico and Falcao Serie A
#ClaudioGentile and #Zico in the match between #Juventus and #Udinese (3-2) in the 1983/84 season
Zico and Falcao Serie A
Klaus Fischer
Scrates Sampaio
Klaus Fischer