My partner and I express our past traumas and current hardships
I respect my partners boundaries
My partner and I express our past traumas and current hardships
My partner and I express our past traumas and current hardships
I respect my partners boundaries
I find value in and put time aside for my work, hobbies, health, friends and family
I find value in and put time aside for my work, hobbies, health, friends and family
I find value in and put time aside for my work, hobbies, health, friends and family
My partner and I express our past traumas and current hardships
I find value in and put time aside for my work, hobbies, health, friends and family
My partner and I express our past traumas and current hardships
I respect my partners boundaries
I visit places that make me happy and treat myself every week
I respect my partners boundaries
I find value in and put time aside for my work, hobbies, health, friends and family
We show and express our appreciation to each other
My partner and I express our interest for each other
I listen to my partner
I respect my partners boundaries
I respect my partners boundaries
I listen to my partner
My partner and I express our interest for each other
Relationship Affirmations  Selfpause
I visit places that make me happy and treat myself every week
Relationship Affirmations  Selfpause