Whoever demands his rights let him do so in a decent manner as much as he can.. hadith
Whoever demands his rights let him do so in a decent manner as much as he can.. hadith
Forgive right- acting people their slips."  (Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam).  Al Adab Al Mufrad
Whoever demands his rights let him do so in a decent manner as much as he can.. hadith
There is no vOW to commit disobedience, and the expiation (for such a vow) .. hadith
There is no vOW to commit disobedience, and the expiation (for such a vow) .. hadith
Innovations are rejected
The inhabitants of the heavens earth, and even the fish in Ocean seek forgiveness for the scholar..
There is no vOW to commit disobedience, and the expiation (for such a vow) .. hadith
Forgive right- acting people their slips."  (Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam).  Al Adab Al Mufrad
Forgive right- acting people their slips."  (Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam).  Al Adab Al Mufrad
"It is sufficient evil for a man to look down on his Muslim brother.. hadith
Whoever demands his rights let him do so in a decent manner as much as he can.. hadith
Innovations are rejected
The inhabitants of the heavens earth, and even the fish in Ocean seek forgiveness for the scholar..
Not begging
Animal rights
Forgive right- acting people their slips."  (Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam).  Al Adab Al Mufrad