Bagthorpe Junction to Perry Road bridge
Bagthorpe Junction to Perry Road bridge
Bagthorpe Junction to Perry Road bridge
Carrington {Photo by Malcolm Castledine)
Bagthorpe Junction to Perry Road bridge
Bagthorpe Junction to Perry Road bridge
TrainsandTravelFollow Stanier 8F 2-8-0 48696 at Nottingham Victoria 3 Sept 1966
Carrington {Photo by Malcolm Castledine)
Carrington {Photo by Malcolm Castledine)
Nottingham Victoria bay platform June 1967 (2579)
92245 Radstock North August 1962
Bagthorpe Junction to Perry Road bridge
92245 Radstock North August 1962
Carrington {Photo by Malcolm Castledine)
Bagthorpe Junction to Perry Road bridge
Carrington {Photo by Malcolm Castledine)
TrainsandTravelFollow Stanier 8F 2-8-0 48696 at Nottingham Victoria 3 Sept 1966
TrainsandTravelFollow Stanier 8F 2-8-0 48696 at Nottingham Victoria 3 Sept 1966
Carrington {Photo by Malcolm Castledine)