Preparing for the departure by Johann Adolphe Rust (Amsterdam 1828-1915)
Preparing for the departure by Johann Adolphe Rust (Amsterdam 1828-1915)
Preparing for the departure by Johann Adolphe Rust (Amsterdam 1828-1915)
Preparing for the departure by Johann Adolphe Rust (Amsterdam 1828-1915)
Preparing for the departure by Johann Adolphe Rust (Amsterdam 1828-1915)
Preparing for the departure by Johann Adolphe Rust (Amsterdam 1828-1915)
Preparing for the departure by Johann Adolphe Rust (Amsterdam 1828-1915)
Preparing for the departure by Johann Adolphe Rust (Amsterdam 1828-1915)
A Dutch Flagship Coming to Anchor with a States Yacht Before a Light Air, 1658
A Dutch Flagship Coming to Anchor with a States Yacht Before a Light Air, 1658
Preparing for the departure by Johann Adolphe Rust (Amsterdam 1828-1915)
Preparing for the departure by Johann Adolphe Rust (Amsterdam 1828-1915)