sauron in numenor
sauron in numenor
Feanor and Melkor by mandhos on Tumblr
Feanor and Melkor by mandhos on Tumblr
sauron in numenor
sauron in numenor
House of Fingolfin by rosenkavalierdae on Tumblr
Feanor and Melkor by mandhos on Tumblr
Feanor and Melkor by mandhos on Tumblr
sauron in numenor
Caranthir by baiyeliuhuo on Tumblr
Caranthir by baiyeliuhuo on Tumblr
Caranthir by baiyeliuhuo on Tumblr
sauron in numenor
Feanor and Melkor by mandhos on Tumblr
Melkor x Mairon
Melkor x Mairon
Manw, king of the Valar by alba_r_art on Instagram
sauron in numenor
Feanor and Melkor by mandhos on Tumblr