Dorian shapeshifting // credit: drunk_on_ink_atx
Dorian in Morath - Tog
Dorian shapeshifting // credit: drunk_on_ink_atx
The Wave - Battle of Anielle
Rowan Whitethorn
Rowan Whitethorn
Dorian destroys Morath
Dorian shapeshifting // credit: drunk_on_ink_atx
Dorian, Aelin and Chaol
Dorian - TOG                                                              Credit: drunk_on_ink_atx
Dorian in Morath - Tog
The Wave - Battle of Anielle
Rowan Whitethorn
Rowan Whitethorn
Dorian shapeshifting // credit: drunk_on_ink_atx
Battle - TOG
Dorian shapeshifting // credit: drunk_on_ink_atx
Dorian shapeshifting // credit: drunk_on_ink_atx
Rowan Whitethorn
Aelin and Dorian
Battle of Orynth
Tairneanach {Tairn}