Magnificent artwork in progress  Credit @suzannekruisdijk
 Magnificent artwork in progress  Credit @suzannekruisdijk
 Magnificent artwork in progress  Credit @suzannekruisdijk
Carving the sky on my Linoprint hare , a bit of real time carving and time lapse
 Magnificent artwork in progress  Credit @suzannekruisdijk
Carving the sky on my Linoprint hare , a bit of real time carving and time lapse
Carving the sky on my Linoprint hare , a bit of real time carving and time lapse
Wave tail fish linocut
Wave tail fish linocut
Carving the sky on my Linoprint hare , a bit of real time carving and time lapse
 Magnificent artwork in progress  Credit @suzannekruisdijk
Linocut Mountains, Elbrus
Available in my shop
Available in my shop
Linocut Mountains, Elbrus
Carving the sky on my Linoprint hare , a bit of real time carving and time lapse
How to carve a large linoleum block | ocean lino block print design