Did you see what it was?
Did you see what it was?
Did you see what it was?
The bloody-belly comb jelly  (Lampocteis cruentiventer)
Did you see what it was?
Meet the Bubble Snail  The bubble snail is a small and colorful marine gastropod found in ocean
Lampocteis cruentiventer -  Thebloodybelly comb jelly
Meet the Bubble Snail  The bubble snail is a small and colorful marine gastropod found in ocean
Meet the Bubble Snail  The bubble snail is a small and colorful marine gastropod found in ocean
Meet the Bubble Snail  The bubble snail is a small and colorful marine gastropod found in ocean
Lampocteis cruentiventer -  Thebloodybelly comb jelly
Rainbow (or Peacock) Mantis Shrimp, Stomatopoda, by withgraham IG
The bloody-belly comb jelly  (Lampocteis cruentiventer)
Rainbow (or Peacock) Mantis Shrimp, Stomatopoda, by withgraham IG
The bloody-belly comb jelly  (Lampocteis cruentiventer)
Rainbow (or Peacock) Mantis Shrimp, Stomatopoda, by withgraham IG
The bloody-belly comb jelly  (Lampocteis cruentiventer)
Discovered new fish 2022
Lampocteis cruentiventer -  Thebloodybelly comb jelly
Discovered new fish 2022