ANTAKYA (Antioch) year 1910 - Bridge over the Orontes river
ANTAKYA (Antioch) year 1910 - Bridge over the Orontes river
SKENDERUN 19 OCT 1917 - Postcard of the main Mosque (Sancaq D
SKENDERUN 19 OCT 1917 - Postcard of the main Mosque (Sancaq D
Antioch [Antakya] yr 1919 O.M.F. Cilicie- Grand Rue de Serail, Sandjaq D
ANTAKYA (Antioch) year 1910 - Bridge over the Orontes river
SKENDERUN 19 OCT 1917 - Postcard of the main Mosque (Sancaq D
Antakya (Antioche)  yr.1919- Noria (River  waterwheel) Sandjaq D
ANTAKYA (Antioch) year 1910 - Bridge over the Orontes river
Antakya (Antioche)  yr.1919- Noria (River  waterwheel) Sandjaq D
Samanda 1905
SKENDERUN 19 OCT 1917 - Postcard of the main Mosque (Sancaq D
Antioch [Antakya] yr 1919 O.M.F. Cilicie- Grand Rue de Serail, Sandjaq D
Samanda 1905
Antioch [Antakya] yr 1919 O.M.F. Cilicie- Grand Rue de Serail, Sandjaq D
Antioch [Antakya] yr 1919 O.M.F. Cilicie- Grand Rue de Serail, Sandjaq D
ANTAKYA (Antioch) year 1910 - Bridge over the Orontes river