Awel design +251912666085
Awel design +251912666085
Awel design +251912666085
Amhara Culture
Awel design +251912666085
Awel design            +251912666085
Awel design            +251912666085
We have so many types and  variet colors our traditional clothes . .Our beautiful ethiopian (Tigris)
Amhara traditional clothe
Amhara Culture
Amhara traditional clothe
We have so many types and  variet colors our traditional clothes . .Our beautiful ethiopian (Tigris)
tigrayan culture - Raya Azebo
tigrayan culture - Raya Azebo
Awel design            +251912666085
Amhara Culture
tigrayan culture - Ashenda
Wollo Amhara dress
tigrayan culture - Raya Azebo
tigrayan culture - Raya Azebo
We have so many types and  variet colors our traditional clothes . .Our beautiful ethiopian (Tigris)
Amhara Culture (Bete-Amhara/Wollo)