A variety of serpents and monstrous animals alleged to inhabit the Swiss Alps.
Ulisse Aldrovandi (1522 1605), Monstrorum Historia, Basilisk. 1642.
A variety of serpents and monstrous animals alleged to inhabit the Swiss Alps.
A variety of serpents and monstrous animals alleged to inhabit the Swiss Alps.
A variety of serpents and monstrous animals alleged to inhabit the Swiss Alps.
Ulisse Aldrovandi (1522 1605), Monstrorum Historia, Basilisk. 1642.
Ulisse Aldrovandi (1522 1605), Monstrorum Historia, Basilisk. 1642.
A variety of serpents and monstrous animals alleged to inhabit the Swiss Alps.
A variety of serpents and monstrous animals alleged to inhabit the Swiss Alps.