Sweet Baybee got u gifts and food from Kohls and Jack in the Box and is dancing 4 u now~
Sweet Baybee got u gifts and food from Kohls and Jack in the Box and is dancing 4 u now~
Sweet Baybee got u gifts and food from Kohls and Jack in the Box and is dancing 4 u now~
Baybee veree excited 4 u~  (aguhiyori on Twitter )
Baybee veree excited 4 u~  (aguhiyori on Twitter )
Baybee Love ate too much Lumpia from her mama~2 heavee 2 go 2 grandmas house (aguhiyori )
Mama playing with her Baybee love after cooking Lumpia 4 her~ (aguhiyori )
Sweet Baybee got u gifts and food from Kohls and Jack in the Box and is dancing 4 u now~
Sweet Baybee got u gifts and food from Kohls and Jack in the Box and is dancing 4 u now~
Baybee veree excited 4 u~  (aguhiyori on Twitter )
Baybee practicing high five (aguhiyori on Twitter )
Baybee is gonna eat pancakes soon~ (aguhiyori on Twitter )
Baybee is gonna eat pancakes soon~ (aguhiyori on Twitter )
The Smack Heard Round the Ocean  Chonky Seals in Action!
Baybee practicing high five (aguhiyori on Twitter )
Baybee is being interviewed 4 Disney Channel~ (aguhiyori on Twitter )
Baybee veree excited 4 u~  (aguhiyori on Twitter )
Baybee practicing high five (aguhiyori on Twitter )
Baybee is always happee when mama comes home with the food~
Baybee enjoying some cherry fruit punch shaved ice~
Baybee Love helping her mama clean and organize~ (aguhiyori on Twitter )
My hungree happee baybee wants her lychee flavored boba tea~
Baybee relaxing at home with mama but they r going 2 Starbucks, Panda Exprees, and Target  l8er