Barbie Trendy Touches Brunette BD2003 #C1899
Barbie Trendy Touches Brunette BD2003 #C1899
Barbie Trendy Touches Brunette BD2003 #C1899
Barbie Pretty Picnic Blond BD2000 #50615
38003-1999 Barbie With Love...
Barbie & Kelly Easter Bunny Fun BD1998 #21720
Barbie & Kelly Mother Goose BD2002 #56143
38003-1999 Barbie With Love...
Barbie Pretty Picnic Blond BD2000 #50615
38003-1999 Barbie With Love...
Barbie Trendy Touches Blond BD2003 #C1846
Barbie Accessories Galore! BD2005 Asst.J0574 #J0576
Barbie Fashion Fever BD2007 #L3331
Barbie Fashion Fever BD2007 #L3331
Barbie Fashion Fever BD2007 #L3331
Barbie Trendy Touches Brunette BD2003 #C1899
Barbie & Kelly Easter Bunny Fun BD1998 #21720
Barbie Pretty Picnic Blond BD2000 #50615
Barbie & Kelly Easter Bunny Fun BD1998 #21720
Barbie Trendy Touches Blond BD2003 #C1846
Barbie It
Barbie Pretty Picnic Blond BD2000 #50615
Barbie Sunshine Fun Blond BD1999 #26001
Barbie Love-To-Read BD1992 #10507