Francis stole my phone and hid in the closet
Confronting my dad during a spice challenge!
Up to no good at spirit!
Francis took over my slime review
Francis took over my slime review
Never go into a beauty store to pick up chicks.
Does JP know my followers think hes cute?
Francis stole my phone and hid in the closet
My past is haunting me - Nick Wilkins
Francis predicted the future
Confronting my dad during a spice challenge!
I did NOT expect the jelly fruit to do that
Paying my dad back in 3000 pennies for vlog 300!
Francis took over my slime review
I did NOT expect the jelly fruit to do that
Paying my dad back in 3000 pennies for vlog 300!
Which celebrity will I scream the LOUDEST for
My past is haunting me - Nick Wilkins