Righteousness and kindness
Righteousness and kindness
Righteousness and kindness
Kindness to a friend
Righteousness and kindness
Wise as serpents and innocent as doves
Wise as serpents and innocent as doves
Wise as serpents and innocent as doves
Grace to those who hear
Keep yourselves in the love of God
Keep yourselves in the love of God
Fight the good fight of the faith
So that none of us may be hardened by sins deceitfulness
Fight the good fight of the faith
That no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit
Wise as serpents and innocent as doves
Mutually encouraged by each other
By grace through faith
Fight the good fight of the faith
Righteousness and kindness
So that none of us may be hardened by sins deceitfulness
Forgive one another
Righteousness and kindness
By grace through faith
Grace to those who hear